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synced 2024-12-27 04:46:17 +00:00
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@ -68,6 +68,8 @@
#### 题目代码
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int strStr(String haystack, String needle) {
@ -101,10 +103,38 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def strStr(self, haystack: str, needle: str)->int:
haylen = len(haystack)
needlen = len(needle)
# 特殊情况
if haylen < needlen:
return -1
if needlen == 0:
return 0
# 主串
for i in range(0, haylen - needlen + 1):
# 模式串
j = 0
while j < needlen:
if haystack[i + j] != needle[j]:
j += 1
# 匹配成功
if j == needlen:
return i
return -1
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int strStr(String haystack, String needle) {
@ -132,3 +162,29 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def strStr(self, haystack: str, needle: str)->int:
# i代表主串指针,j模式串
i = 0
j = 0
# 主串长度和模式串长度
halen = len(haystack)
nelen = len(needle)
# 循环条件,这里只有 i 增长
while i < halen and j < nelen:
# 相同时,则移动 j 指针
if haystack[i] == needle[j]:
j += 1
# 不匹配时,将 j 重新只想模式串的头部,将 i 本次匹配的开始位置的下一字符
i -= j
j = 0
i += 1
# 查询成功时返回索引,查询失败时返回 -1
renum = i - nelen if j == nelen else -1
return renum
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ BM 算法是从右往左进行比较,发现坏字符的时候此时 cac 已
这破图画起来是真费劲啊。下面我们来看一下算法代码,代码有点长,我都标上了注释也在网站上 AC 了,如果各位感兴趣可以看一下,不感兴趣理解坏字符和好后缀规则即可。可以直接跳到 KMP 部分
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int strStr(String haystack, String needle) {
@ -215,6 +217,89 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def strStr(self, haystack: str, needle: str)->int:
haylen = len(haystack)
needlen = len(needle)
return self.bm(haystack, haylen, needle, needlen)
# 用来求坏字符情况下移动位数
def badChar(self, b: str, m: int, bc: List[int]):
# 初始化
for i in range(0, 256):
bc[i] = -1
# m 代表模式串的长度,如果有两个 a,则后面那个会覆盖前面那个
for i in range(0, m,):
ascii = ord(b[i])
bc[ascii] = i# 下标
# 用来求好后缀条件下的移动位数
def goodSuffix(self, b: str, m: int, suffix: List[int], prefix: List[bool]):
# 初始化
for i in range(0, m):
suffix[i] = -1
prefix[i] = False
for i in range(0, m - 1):
j = i
k = 0
while j >= 0 and b[j] == b[m - 1 - k]:
j -= 1
k += 1
suffix[k] = j + 1
if j == -1:
prefix[k] = True
def bm(self, a: str, n: int, b: str, m: int)->int:
bc = [0] * 256# 创建一个数组用来保存最右边字符的下标
self.badChar(b, m, bc)
# 用来保存各种长度好后缀的最右位置的数组
suffix_index = [0] * m
# 判断是否是头部,如果是头部则True
ispre = [False] * m
self.goodSuffix(b, m, suffix_index, ispre)
i = 0# 第一个匹配字符
# 注意结束条件
while i <= n - m:
# 从后往前匹配,匹配失败,找到坏字符
j = m - 1
while j >= 0:
if a[i + j] != b[j]:
j -= 1
# 模式串遍历完毕,匹配成功
if j < 0:
return i
# 下面为匹配失败时,如何处理
# 求出坏字符规则下移动的位数,就是我们坏字符下标减最右边的下标
x = j - bc[ord(a[i + j])]
y = 0
# 好后缀情况,求出好后缀情况下的移动位数,如果不含有好后缀的话,则按照坏字符来
if y < m - 1 and m - 1 - j > 0:
y = self.move(j, m, suffix_index, ispre)
# 移动
i += max(x, y)
return -1
# j代表坏字符的下标
def move(j: int, m: int, suffix_index: List[int], ispre: List[bool])->int:
# 好后缀长度
k = m - 1 - j
# 如果含有长度为 k 的好后缀,返回移动位数
if suffix_index[k] != -1:
return j - suffix_index[k] + 1
# 找头部为好后缀子串的最大长度,从长度最大的子串开始
for r in range(j + 2, m):
# //如果是头部
if ispre[m - r] == True:
return r
# 如果没有发现好后缀匹配的串,或者头部为好后缀子串,则移动到 m 位,也就是匹配串的长度
return m
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class Solution {
k = next[k];
// 相同情况,就是 k的下一位,和 i 相同时,此时我们已经知道 [0,i-1]的最长前后缀
//然后 k - 1 又和 i 相同,最长前后缀加1,即可
//然后 k + 1 又和 i 相同,最长前后缀加1,即可
if (needle[k+1] == needle[i]) {
@ -125,5 +125,63 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def strStr(self, haystack: str, needle: str)->int:
# 两种特殊情况
if len(needle) == 0:
return 0
if len(haystack) == 0:
return -1
# 长度
halen = len(haystack)
nelen = len(needle)
# 返回下标
return self.kmp(haystack, halen, needle, nelen)
def kmp(self, hasyarr: str, halen: int, nearr: str, nelen: int)->int:
# 获取next 数组
next = self.next(nearr, nelen)
j = 0
for i in range(0, halen):
# 发现不匹配的字符,然后根据 next 数组移动指针,移动到最大公共前后缀的,
# 前缀的后一位,和咱们移动模式串的含义相同
while j > 0 and hasyarr[i] != nearr[j]:
j = next[j - 1] + 1
# 超出长度时,可以直接返回不存在
if nelen - j + i > halen:
return -1
# 如果相同就将指针同时后移一下,比较下个字符
if hasyarr[i] == nearr[j]:
j += 1
# 遍历完整个模式串,返回模式串的起点下标
if j == nelen:
return i - nelen + 1
return -1
# 这一块比较难懂,不想看的同学可以忽略,了解大致含义即可,或者自己调试一下,看看运行情况
# 我会每一步都写上注释
def next(self, needle: str, len:int)->List[int]:
# 定义 next 数组
next = [0] * len
# 初始化
next[0] = -1
k = -1
for i in range(1, len):
# 我们此时知道了 [0,i-1]的最长前后缀,但是k+1的指向的值和i不相同时,我们则需要回溯
# 因为 next[k]就时用来记录子串的最长公共前后缀的尾坐标(即长度)
# 就要找 k+1前一个元素在next数组里的值,即next[k+1]
while k != -1 and needle[k + 1] != needle[i]:
k = next[k]
# 相同情况,就是 k的下一位,和 i 相同时,此时我们已经知道 [0,i-1]的最长前后缀
# 然后 k + 1 又和 i 相同,最长前后缀加1,即可
if needle[k + 1] == needle[i]:
k += 1
next[i] = k
return next
@ -80,6 +80,8 @@
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int[] sortArray(int[] nums) {
@ -102,6 +104,25 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def sortArray(self, nums: List[int])->List[int]:
leng = len(nums)
for i in range(0, leng):
for j in range(i + 1, leng):
if nums[i] > nums[j]:
self.swap(nums, i, j)
return nums
def swap(self, nums: List[int], i: int, j: int):
temp = nums[i]
nums[i] = nums[j]
nums[j] = temp
我们来思考一下上面的代码,每次让关键字 nums[i] 和 nums[j] 进行比较如果 nums[i] > nums[j] 时则进行交换,这样 nums[0] 在经过一次循环后一定为最小值。那么这段代码是冒泡排序吗?
@ -143,6 +164,8 @@ class Solution {
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int[] sortArray(int[] nums) {
@ -172,6 +195,32 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def sortArray(self, nums: List[int])->List[int]:
leng = len(nums)
# 标志位
flag = True
for i in range(0, leng):
if not flag:
flag = False
for j in range(0, leng - i - 1):
if nums[j] > nums[j + 1]:
self.swap(nums, j, j + 1)
# 发生交换,则变为true,下次继续判断
flag = True
return nums
def swap(self, nums: List[int], i: int, j: int):
temp = nums[i]
nums[i] = nums[j]
nums[j] = temp
@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ BC < CB 整理得 B / (10 ^ b - 1) < C / (10 ^ c - 1);
Java Code:
class Solution {
public String minNumber(int[] nums) {
@ -166,23 +168,23 @@ class Solution {
int low = left;
int hight = right;
int high = right;
int i = low+1;
String pivot = arr[low];
while (i <= hight) {
while (i <= high) {
if ((pivot+arr[i]).compareTo(arr[i]+pivot) > 0 ) {
} else if ((pivot+arr[i]).compareTo(arr[i]+pivot) < 0) {
} else {
public void swap(String[] arr, int i, int j) {
@ -193,6 +195,53 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def minNumber(self, nums: List[int])->str:
arr = [''] * len(nums)
# 解决大数问题,将数字转换为字符串
for i in range(0, len(nums)):
arr[i] = str(nums[i])
self.quickSort(arr, 0, len(arr) - 1)
s = ''
for x in arr:
s += x
return s
def quickSort(self, arr: List[str], left: int, right: int):
if left >= right:
low = left
high = right
i = low + 1
pivot = arr[low]
while i <= high:
# 比较大小
if int(pivot + arr[i]) > int(arr[i] + pivot):
self.swap(arr, i, low)
i += 1
low += 1
elif int(pivot + arr[i]) < int(arr[i] + pivot):
self.swap(arr, i, high)
high -= 1
i += 1
self.quickSort(arr, left, low - 1)
self.quickSort(arr, high + 1, right)
def swap(self, arr: List[str], i: int, j: int):
temp = arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[j]
arr[j] = temp
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
> 如果阅读时,发现错误,或者动画不可以显示的问题可以添加我微信好友 **[tan45du_one](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tan45du/tan45du.github.io/master/个人微信.15egrcgqd94w.jpg)** ,备注 github + 题目 + 问题 向我反馈
> 感谢支持,该仓库会一直维护,希望对各位有一丢丢帮助。
> 另外希望手机阅读的同学可以来我的 <u>[**公众号:袁厨的算法小屋**](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tan45du/test/master/微信图片_20210320152235.2pthdebvh1c0.png)</u> 两个平台同步,想要和题友一起刷题,互相监督的同学,可以在我的小屋点击<u>[**刷题小队**](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tan45du/test/master/微信图片_20210320152235.2pthdebvh1c0.png)</u>进入。
@ -99,8 +99,10 @@
Java Code:
public void swim (int index) {
public void swim (int[] nums, int index) {
while (index > 1 && nums[index/2] > nums[index]) {
index = index/2;
@ -108,6 +110,15 @@ public void swim (int index) {
Python Code:
def swim(nums: int, index: int):
while index > 1 and nums[int(index/2)] > nums[index]:
swap(int(index/2), index)# 交换
index = int(index/2)
@ -145,6 +156,8 @@ public void swim (int index) {
Java Code:
public void sink (int[] nums, int index,int len) {
while (true) {
@ -165,6 +178,24 @@ public void sink (int[] nums, int index,int len) {
Python Code:
def sink(nums: list, index: int, len: int):
while True:
# 获取子节点
j = 2 * index
if j < len-1 and nums[j] < nums[j+1]:
j += 1
# 交换操作,父节点下沉,与最大的孩子节点交换
if j < len and nums[index] < nums[j]:
swap(nums, index, j)
# 继续下沉
index = j
@ -187,6 +218,8 @@ public void sink (int[] nums, int index,int len) {
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int[] sortArray(int[] nums) {
@ -238,6 +271,44 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
def sortArray(nums: list)->list:
leng = len(nums)
a = [0] + nums
# 下沉建堆
for i in range(int(leng / 2), 0, -1):
sink(a, i, leng)
k = leng
# 排序
while k > 1:
swap(a, 1, k)
k -= 1
sink(a, 1, k)
for i in range(1, leng + 1):
nums[i - 1] = a[i]
return nums
def swap(nums: list, i: int, j: int):
temp = nums[i]
nums[i] = nums[j]
nums[j] = temp
def sink(nums: list, k: int, end: int):
while 2 * k <= end:
j = 2 * k
if j + 1 <= end and nums[j + 1] > nums[j]:
j += 1
if nums[j] > nums[k]:
swap(nums, j, k)
k = j
@ -70,6 +70,8 @@
#### 题目代码
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int strStr(String haystack, String needle) {
@ -103,10 +105,37 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def strStr(self, haystack: str, needle: str)->int:
haylen = len(haystack)
needlen = len(needle)
# 特殊情况
if haylen < needlen:
return -1
if needlen == 0:
return 0
# 主串
for i in range(0, haylen - needlen + 1):
# 模式串
j = 0
while j < needlen:
if haystack[i + j] != needle[j]:
j += 1
# 匹配成功
if j == needlen:
return i
return -1
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int strStr(String haystack, String needle) {
@ -134,6 +163,32 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def strStr(self, haystack: str, needle: str)->int:
# i代表主串指针,j模式串
i = 0
j = 0
# 主串长度和模式串长度
halen = len(haystack)
nelen = len(needle)
# 循环条件,这里只有 i 增长
while i < halen and j < nelen:
# 相同时,则移动 j 指针
if haystack[i] == needle[j]:
j += 1
# 不匹配时,将 j 重新只想模式串的头部,将 i 本次匹配的开始位置的下一字符
i -= j
j = 0
i += 1
# 查询成功时返回索引,查询失败时返回 -1
renum = i - nelen if j == nelen else -1
return renum
## BM算法(Boyer-Moore)
@ -262,6 +317,8 @@ BM 算法是从右往左进行比较,发现坏字符的时候此时 cac 已
这破图画起来是真费劲啊。下面我们来看一下算法代码,代码有点长,我都标上了注释也在网站上 AC 了,如果各位感兴趣可以看一下,不感兴趣理解坏字符和好后缀规则即可。可以直接跳到 KMP 部分
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int strStr(String haystack, String needle) {
@ -355,6 +412,89 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def strStr(self, haystack: str, needle: str)->int:
haylen = len(haystack)
needlen = len(needle)
return self.bm(haystack, haylen, needle, needlen)
# 用来求坏字符情况下移动位数
def badChar(self, b: str, m: int, bc: List[int]):
# 初始化
for i in range(0, 256):
bc[i] = -1
# m 代表模式串的长度,如果有两个 a,则后面那个会覆盖前面那个
for i in range(0, m,):
ascii = ord(b[i])
bc[ascii] = i# 下标
# 用来求好后缀条件下的移动位数
def goodSuffix(self, b: str, m: int, suffix: List[int], prefix: List[bool]):
# 初始化
for i in range(0, m):
suffix[i] = -1
prefix[i] = False
for i in range(0, m - 1):
j = i
k = 0
while j >= 0 and b[j] == b[m - 1 - k]:
j -= 1
k += 1
suffix[k] = j + 1
if j == -1:
prefix[k] = True
def bm(self, a: str, n: int, b: str, m: int)->int:
bc = [0] * 256# 创建一个数组用来保存最右边字符的下标
self.badChar(b, m, bc)
# 用来保存各种长度好后缀的最右位置的数组
suffix_index = [0] * m
# 判断是否是头部,如果是头部则True
ispre = [False] * m
self.goodSuffix(b, m, suffix_index, ispre)
i = 0# 第一个匹配字符
# 注意结束条件
while i <= n - m:
# 从后往前匹配,匹配失败,找到坏字符
j = m - 1
while j >= 0:
if a[i + j] != b[j]:
j -= 1
# 模式串遍历完毕,匹配成功
if j < 0:
return i
# 下面为匹配失败时,如何处理
# 求出坏字符规则下移动的位数,就是我们坏字符下标减最右边的下标
x = j - bc[ord(a[i + j])]
y = 0
# 好后缀情况,求出好后缀情况下的移动位数,如果不含有好后缀的话,则按照坏字符来
if y < m - 1 and m - 1 - j > 0:
y = self.move(j, m, suffix_index, ispre)
# 移动
i += max(x, y)
return -1
# j代表坏字符的下标
def move(j: int, m: int, suffix_index: List[int], ispre: List[bool])->int:
# 好后缀长度
k = m - 1 - j
# 如果含有长度为 k 的好后缀,返回移动位数
if suffix_index[k] != -1:
return j - suffix_index[k] + 1
# 找头部为好后缀子串的最大长度,从长度最大的子串开始
for r in range(j + 2, m):
# //如果是头部
if ispre[m - r] == True:
return r
# 如果没有发现好后缀匹配的串,或者头部为好后缀子串,则移动到 m 位,也就是匹配串的长度
return m
@ -413,6 +553,8 @@ next 数组存的咱们最长公共前后缀中,前缀的结尾字符下标。
**注:很多教科书的 next 数组表示方式不一致,理解即可**
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int strStr(String haystack, String needle) {
@ -486,5 +628,64 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def strStr(self, haystack: str, needle: str)->int:
# 两种特殊情况
if len(needle) == 0:
return 0
if len(haystack) == 0:
return -1
# 长度
halen = len(haystack)
nelen = len(needle)
# 返回下标
return self.kmp(haystack, halen, needle, nelen)
def kmp(self, hasyarr: str, halen: int, nearr: str, nelen: int)->int:
# 获取next 数组
next = self.next(nearr, nelen)
j = 0
for i in range(0, halen):
# 发现不匹配的字符,然后根据 next 数组移动指针,移动到最大公共前后缀的,
# 前缀的后一位,和咱们移动模式串的含义相同
while j > 0 and hasyarr[i] != nearr[j]:
j = next[j - 1] + 1
# 超出长度时,可以直接返回不存在
if nelen - j + i > halen:
return -1
# 如果相同就将指针同时后移一下,比较下个字符
if hasyarr[i] == nearr[j]:
j += 1
# 遍历完整个模式串,返回模式串的起点下标
if j == nelen:
return i - nelen + 1
return -1
# 这一块比较难懂,不想看的同学可以忽略,了解大致含义即可,或者自己调试一下,看看运行情况
# 我会每一步都写上注释
def next(self, needle: str, len:int)->List[int]:
# 定义 next 数组
next = [0] * len
# 初始化
next[0] = -1
k = -1
for i in range(1, len):
# 我们此时知道了 [0,i-1]的最长前后缀,但是k+1的指向的值和i不相同时,我们则需要回溯
# 因为 next[k]就时用来记录子串的最长公共前后缀的尾坐标(即长度)
# 就要找 k+1前一个元素在next数组里的值,即next[k+1]
while k != -1 and needle[k + 1] != needle[i]:
k = next[k]
# 相同情况,就是 k的下一位,和 i 相同时,此时我们已经知道 [0,i-1]的最长前后缀
# 然后 k - 1 又和 i 相同,最长前后缀加1,即可
if needle[k + 1] == needle[i]:
k += 1
next[i] = k
return next
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int[] sortArray(int[] nums) {
@ -58,6 +60,34 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def sortArray(self, nums: List[int])->List[int]:
increment = len(nums)
# 注意看结束条件
while increment > 1:
# 这里可以自己设置
increment = int(increment / 2)
# 根据增量分组
for i in range(0, increment):
# 这块是不是有点面熟,回去看看咱们的插入排序
for j in range(i + increment, len(nums), increment):
temp = nums[j]
k = j - increment
while k >= 0:
if temp < nums[k]:
nums[k + increment] = nums[k]
k -= increment
nums[k + increment] = temp
return nums
@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int[] sortArray(int[] nums) {
@ -90,6 +92,48 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def sortArray(self, nums: List[int])->List[int]:
self.mergeSort(nums, 0, len(nums) - 1)
return nums
def mergeSort(self, arr: List[int], left: int, right: int):
if left < right:
mid = left + ((right - left) >> 1)
self.mergeSort(arr, left, mid)
self.mergeSort(arr, mid + 1, right)
self.merge(arr, left, mid, right)
# 归并
def merge(self, arr: List[int], left: int, mid: int, right: int):
# 第一步,定义一个新的临时数组
temparr = [0] * (right - left + 1)
temp1 = left
temp2 = mid + 1
index = 0
# 对应第二步,比较每个指针指向的值,小的存入大集合
while temp1 <= mid and temp2 <= right:
if arr[temp1] <= arr[temp2]:
temparr[index] = arr[temp1]
index += 1
temp1 += 1
temparr[index] = arr[temp2]
index += 1
temp2 += 1
# 对应第三步,将某一集合的剩余元素存到大集合中
if temp1 <= mid:
temparr[index: index + mid - temp1 + 1] = arr[temp1: temp1 + mid - temp1 + 1]
if temp2 <= right:
temparr[index: index + right - temp2 + 1] = arr[temp2: temp2 + right - temp2 + 1]
# 将大集合的元素复制回原数组
arr[left: left + right- left + 1] = temparr[0: right - left + 1]
我们一趟归并,需要将两个小集合的长度放到大集合中,则需要将待排序序列中的所有记录扫描一遍所以时间复杂度为O(n)。归并排序把集合一层一层的折半分组,则由完全二叉树的深度可知,整个排序过程需要进行 logn(向上取整)次,则总的时间复杂度为 O(nlogn)。另外归并排序的执行效率与要排序的原始数组的有序程度无关,所以在最好,最坏,平均情况下时间复杂度均为 O(nlogn) 。虽然归并排序时间复杂度很稳定,但是他的应用范围却不如快速排序广泛,这是因为归并排序不是原地排序算法,空间复杂度不为 O(1),那么他的空间复杂度为多少呢?
@ -134,6 +178,8 @@ class Solution {
注:递归法和迭代法的 merge函数代码一样。
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int[] sortArray (int[] nums) {
@ -162,7 +208,7 @@ class Solution {
public void merge (int[] arr,int left, int mid, int right) {
int[] temparr = new int[right -left + 1];
int[] temparr = new int[right - left + 1];
int temp1 = left, temp2 = mid + 1;
int index = 0;
@ -182,3 +228,55 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def sortArray(self, nums: List[int])->List[int]:
# 代表子集合大小,1,2,4,8,16.....
k = 1
leng = len(nums)
while k < leng:
self.mergePass(nums, k, leng)
k *= 2
return nums
def mergePass(self, array: List[int], k: int, leng: int):
i = 0
while i < leng - 2 * k:
# 归并
self.merge(array, i, i + k - 1, i + 2 * k - 1)
i += 2 * k
# 归并最后两个序列
if i + k < leng:
self.merge(array, i, i + k - 1, leng - 1)
# 归并
def merge(self, arr: List[int], left: int, mid: int, right: int):
# 第一步,定义一个新的临时数组
temparr = [0] * (right - left + 1)
temp1 = left
temp2 = mid + 1
index = 0
# 对应第二步,比较每个指针指向的值,小的存入大集合
while temp1 <= mid and temp2 <= right:
if arr[temp1] <= arr[temp2]:
temparr[index] = arr[temp1]
index += 1
temp1 += 1
temparr[index] = arr[temp2]
index += 1
temp2 += 1
# 对应第三步,将某一集合的剩余元素存到大集合中
if temp1 <= mid:
temparr[index: index + mid - temp1 + 1] = arr[temp1: temp1 + mid - temp1 + 1]
if temp2 <= right:
temparr[index: index + right - temp2 + 1] = arr[temp2: temp2 + right - temp2 + 1]
# 将大集合的元素复制回原数组
arr[left: left + right- left + 1] = temparr[0: right - left + 1]
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
基本思想是我们首先以序列的第一个元素为基准数,然后将该位置挖坑,下面判断 nums[hight] 是否大于基准数,如果大于则左移 hight 指针,直至找到一个小于基准数的元素,将其填入之前的坑中,则 hight 位置会出现一个新的坑,此时移动 low 指针,找到大于基准数的元素,填入新的坑中。不断迭代直至完成分区。
基本思想是我们首先以序列的第一个元素为基准数,然后将该位置挖坑,下面判断 nums[high] 是否大于基准数,如果大于则左移 high 指针,直至找到一个小于基准数的元素,将其填入之前的坑中,则 high 位置会出现一个新的坑,此时移动 low 指针,找到大于基准数的元素,填入新的坑中。不断迭代直至完成分区。
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int[] sortArray(int[] nums) {
@ -54,30 +56,30 @@ class Solution {
return nums;
public void quickSort (int[] nums, int low, int hight) {
public void quickSort (int[] nums, int low, int high) {
if (low < hight) {
int index = partition(nums,low,hight);
if (low < high) {
int index = partition(nums,low,high);
public int partition (int[] nums, int low, int hight) {
public int partition (int[] nums, int low, int high) {
int pivot = nums[low];
while (low < hight) {
while (low < high) {
while (low < hight && nums[hight] >= pivot) {
while (low < high && nums[high] >= pivot) {
if (low < hight) nums[low] = nums[hight];
while (low < hight && nums[low] <= pivot) {
if (low < high) nums[low] = nums[high];
while (low < high && nums[low] <= pivot) {
if (low < hight) nums[hight] = nums[low];
if (low < high) nums[high] = nums[low];
nums[low] = pivot;
@ -107,26 +109,26 @@ class Solution {
public void quickSort (int[] nums, int low, int hight) {
public void quickSort (int[] nums, int low, int high) {
if (low < hight) {
int index = partition(nums,low,hight);
if (low < high) {
int index = partition(nums,low,high);
public int partition (int[] nums, int low, int hight) {
public int partition (int[] nums, int low, int high) {
int pivot = nums[low];
int start = low;
while (low < hight) {
while (low < hight && nums[hight] >= pivot) hight--;
while (low < hight && nums[low] <= pivot) low++;
if (low >= hight) break;
swap(nums, low, hight);
while (low < high) {
while (low < high && nums[high] >= pivot) high--;
while (low < high && nums[low] <= pivot) low++;
if (low >= high) break;
swap(nums, low, high);
@ -175,29 +177,29 @@ class Solution {
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
int low = stack.pop();
int hight = stack.pop();
int high = stack.pop();
if (low < hight) {
int index = partition(nums, low, hight);
if (low < high) {
int index = partition(nums, low, high);
stack.push(index - 1);
stack.push(index + 1);
return nums;
public int partition (int[] nums, int low, int hight) {
public int partition (int[] nums, int low, int high) {
int pivot = nums[low];
int start = low;
while (low < hight) {
while (low < high) {
while (low < hight && nums[hight] >= pivot) hight--;
while (low < hight && nums[low] <= pivot) low++;
if (low >= hight) break;
swap(nums, low, hight);
while (low < high && nums[high] >= pivot) high--;
while (low < high && nums[low] <= pivot) low++;
if (low >= high) break;
swap(nums, low, high);
return low;
@ -226,13 +228,13 @@ class Solution {
int mid = low + ((hight-low) >> 1);
if (nums[low] > nums[hight]) swap(nums,low,hight);
if (nums[mid] > nums[hight]) swap(nums,mid,hight);
int mid = low + ((high-low) >> 1);
if (nums[low] > nums[high]) swap(nums,low,high);
if (nums[mid] > nums[high]) swap(nums,mid,high);
if (nums[mid] > nums[low]) swap(nums,mid,low);
其含义就是让我们将中间元素放到 nums[low] 位置做为基准值,最大值放到 nums[hight],最小值放到 nums[mid],即 [4,2,3] 经过上面代码处理后,则变成了 [3,2,4].此时我们选取 3 做为基准值,这样也就避免掉了选取最大或最小值做为基准值的情况。
其含义就是让我们将中间元素放到 nums[low] 位置做为基准值,最大值放到 nums[high],最小值放到 nums[mid],即 [4,2,3] 经过上面代码处理后,则变成了 [3,2,4].此时我们选取 3 做为基准值,这样也就避免掉了选取最大或最小值做为基准值的情况。
@ -242,28 +244,28 @@ class Solution {
return nums;
public void quickSort (int[] nums, int low, int hight) {
if (low < hight) {
int index = partition(nums,low,hight);
public void quickSort (int[] nums, int low, int high) {
if (low < high) {
int index = partition(nums,low,high);
public int partition (int[] nums, int low, int hight) {
public int partition (int[] nums, int low, int high) {
int mid = low + ((hight-low) >> 1);
if (nums[low] > nums[hight]) swap(nums,low,hight);
if (nums[mid] > nums[hight]) swap(nums,mid,hight);
int mid = low + ((high-low) >> 1);
if (nums[low] > nums[high]) swap(nums,low,high);
if (nums[mid] > nums[high]) swap(nums,mid,high);
if (nums[mid] > nums[low]) swap(nums,mid,low);
int pivot = nums[low];
int start = low;
while (low < hight) {
while (low < hight && nums[hight] >= pivot) hight--;
while (low < hight && nums[low] <= pivot) low++;
if (low >= hight) break;
swap(nums, low, hight);
while (low < high) {
while (low < high && nums[high] >= pivot) high--;
while (low < high && nums[low] <= pivot) low++;
if (low >= high) break;
swap(nums, low, high);
return low;
@ -291,38 +293,38 @@ class Solution {
return nums;
public void quickSort (int[] nums, int low, int hight) {
public void quickSort (int[] nums, int low, int high) {
if (hight - low <= INSERTION_SORT_MAX_LENGTH) {
if (high - low <= INSERTION_SORT_MAX_LENGTH) {
int index = partition(nums,low,hight);
int index = partition(nums,low,high);
public int partition (int[] nums, int low, int hight) {
public int partition (int[] nums, int low, int high) {
int mid = low + ((hight-low) >> 1);
if (nums[low] > nums[hight]) swap(nums,low,hight);
if (nums[mid] > nums[hight]) swap(nums,mid,hight);
int mid = low + ((high-low) >> 1);
if (nums[low] > nums[high]) swap(nums,low,high);
if (nums[mid] > nums[high]) swap(nums,mid,high);
if (nums[mid] > nums[low]) swap(nums,mid,low);
int pivot = nums[low];
int start = low;
while (low < hight) {
while (low < hight && nums[hight] >= pivot) hight--;
while (low < hight && nums[low] <= pivot) low++;
if (low >= hight) break;
swap(nums, low, hight);
while (low < high) {
while (low < high && nums[high] >= pivot) high--;
while (low < high && nums[low] <= pivot) low++;
if (low >= high) break;
swap(nums, low, high);
return low;
public void insertSort (int[] nums, int low, int hight) {
public void insertSort (int[] nums, int low, int high) {
for (int i = low+1; i <= hight; ++i) {
for (int i = low+1; i <= high; ++i) {
int temp = nums[i];
int j;
for (j = i-1; j >= 0; --j) {
@ -366,6 +368,8 @@ class Solution {
Java Code:
class Solution {
private static final int INSERTION_SORT_MAX_LENGTH = 7;
@ -374,19 +378,19 @@ class Solution {
return nums;
public void quickSort(int nums[], int low, int hight) {
public void quickSort(int nums[], int low, int high) {
if (hight - low <= INSERTION_SORT_MAX_LENGTH) {
if (high - low <= INSERTION_SORT_MAX_LENGTH) {
int mid = low + ((hight-low) >> 1);
if (nums[low] > nums[hight]) swap(nums,low,hight);
if (nums[mid] > nums[hight]) swap(nums,mid,hight);
int mid = low + ((high-low) >> 1);
if (nums[low] > nums[high]) swap(nums,low,high);
if (nums[mid] > nums[high]) swap(nums,mid,high);
if (nums[mid] > nums[low]) swap(nums,mid,low);
int left = low, i = low + 1, right = hight;
int left = low, i = low + 1, right = high;
int pvoit = nums[low];
while (i <= right) {
if (pvoit < nums[i]) {
@ -401,11 +405,11 @@ class Solution {
public void insertSort (int[] nums, int low, int hight) {
public void insertSort (int[] nums, int low, int high) {
for (int i = low+1; i <= hight; ++i) {
for (int i = low+1; i <= high; ++i) {
int temp = nums[i];
int j;
for (j = i-1; j >= 0; --j) {
@ -426,5 +430,65 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def sortArray(self, nums: List[int])->List[int]:
self.quickSort(nums, 0, len(nums) - 1)
return nums
def quickSort(self, nums: List[int], low: int, high: int):
# 插入排序
if high - low <= self.INSERTION_SORT_MAX_LENGTH:
self.insertSort(nums, low, high)
# 三数取中
mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1)
if nums[low] > nums[high]:
self.swap(nums, low, high)
if nums[mid] > nums[high]:
self.swap(nums, mid, high)
if nums[mid] > nums[low]:
self. swap(nums, mid, low)
# 三向切分
left = low
i = low + 1
right = high
pivot = nums[low]
while i <= right:
if pivot < nums[i]:
self.swap(nums, i, right)
right -= 1
elif pivot == nums[i]:
i += 1
self.swap(nums, left, i)
left += 1
i += 1
self.quickSort(nums, low, left - 1)
self.quickSort(nums, right + 1, high)
def insertSort(self, nums: List[int], low: int, high: int):
for i in range(low + 1, high + 1):
temp = nums[i]
j = i - 1
while j >= 0:
if temp < nums[j]:
nums[j + 1] = nums[j]
j -= 1
nums[j + 1] = temp
def swap(self, nums: List[int], i: int, j: int):
temp = nums[i]
nums[i] = nums[j]
nums[j] = temp
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int[] sortArray(int[] nums) {
@ -48,6 +50,31 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def sortArray(self, nums: List[int])->List[int]:
# 注意 i 的初始值为 1 ,也就是第二个元素开始
for i in range(1, len(nums)):
# 待排序的值
temp = nums[i]
# 需要注意
j = i - 1
while j >= 0:
# 找到合适位置
if temp < nums[j]:
nums[j + 1] = nums[j]
j -= 1
# 跳出循环
# 插入到合适位置,这也就是我们没有在循环内定义变量的原因
nums[j + 1] = temp
return nums
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int[] sortArray(int[] nums) {
@ -46,6 +48,29 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def sortArray(self, nums: List[int])->List[int]:
leng = len(nums)
min = 0
for i in range(0, leng):
min = i
# 遍历到最小值
for j in range(i + 1, leng):
if nums[min] > nums[j]:
min = j
if min != i:
self.swap(nums, i, min)
return nums
def swap(self, nums: List[int], i: int, j: int):
temp = nums[i]
nums[i] = nums[j]
nums[j] = temp
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
Java Code:
class Solution {
private int count;
@ -95,3 +97,56 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
count = 0
def reversePairs(self, nums: List[int])->int:
self.count = 0
self.merge(nums, 0, len(nums) - 1)
return self.count
def merge(self, nums: List[int], left: int, right: int):
if left < right:
mid = left + ((right - left) >> 1)
self.merge(nums, left, mid)
self.merge(nums, mid + 1, right)
self.mergeSort(nums, left, mid, right)
def mergeSort(self, nums: List[int], left: int, mid: int, right: int):
temparr = [0] * (right - left + 1)
temp1 = left
temp2 = mid + 1
index = 0
while temp1 <= mid and temp2 <= right:
# 这里需要防止溢出
if nums[temp1] > 2 * nums[temp2]:
self.count += mid - temp1 + 1
temp2 += 1
temp1 += 1
# 记得归位,我们还要继续使用
temp1 = left
temp2 = mid + 1
# 归并排序
while temp1 <= mid and temp2 <= right:
if nums[temp1] <= nums[temp2]:
temparr[index] = nums[temp1]
index += 1
temp1 += 1
temparr[index] = nums[temp2]
index += 1
temp2 += 1
# 照旧
if temp1 <= mid:
temparr[index: index + mid - temp1 + 1] = nums[temp1: temp1 + mid - temp1 + 1]
if temp2 <= right:
temparr[index: index + right - temp2 + 1] = nums[temp2: temp2 + right - temp2 + 1]
nums[left: left + right- left + 1] = temparr[0: right - left + 1]
@ -132,6 +132,33 @@ public:
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def sortColors(self, nums: List[int]):
leng = len(nums)
left = 0
# 这里和三向切分不完全一致
i = left
right = leng - 1
while i <= right:
if nums[i] == 2:
self.swap(nums, i, right)
right -= 1
elif nums[i] == 0:
self.swap(nums, i, left)
i += 1
left += 1
i += 1
def swap(self, nums: List[int], i: int, j: int):
temp = nums[i]
nums[i] = nums[j]
nums[j] = temp
@ -216,5 +243,29 @@ public:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def sortColors(self, nums: List[int]):
left = 0
leng = len(nums)
right = leng - 1
for i in range(0, right + 1):
if nums[i] == 0:
self.swap(nums, i, left)
left += 1
if nums[i] == 2:
swap(nums, i, right)
right -= 1
# 如果不等于 1 则需要继续判断,所以不移动 i 指针,i--
if nums[i] != 1:
i -= 1
def swap(nums: List[int], i: int, j: int):
temp = nums[i]
nums[i] = nums[j]
nums[j] = temp
@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ temp[8] = 5。然后再将 presum[5] 减 1 。
Java Code:
class Solution {
public int[] sortArray(int[] nums) {
@ -169,6 +171,44 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
def sortArray(self,nums: List[int])->List[int]:
leng = len(nums)
if leng < 1:
return nums
# 求出最大最小值
max = nums[0]
min = nums[0]
for x in nums:
if max < x:
max = x
if min > x:
min = x
# 设置 presum 数组长度,然后求出我们的前缀和数组,
# 这里我们可以把求次数数组和前缀和数组用一个数组处理
presum = [0] * (max - min + 1)
for x in nums:
presum[x - min] += 1
for i in range(1, len(presum)):
presum[i] = presum[i - 1] + presum[i]
# 临时数组
temp = [0] * leng
# 遍历数组,开始排序,注意偏移量
for i in range(leng - 1, -1, -1):
# 查找 presum 字典,然后将其放到临时数组,注意偏移度
index = presum[nums[i] - min] - 1
temp[index] = nums[i]
# 相应位置减一
presum[nums[i] - min] -= 1
# copy回原数组
nums = temp
return nums
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
Java Code:
class Solution {
@ -80,7 +82,51 @@ class Solution {
Python Code:
from typing import List
class Solution:
count = 0
def reversePairs(self, nums: List[int])->int:
self.count = 0
self.mergeSort(nums, 0, len(nums) - 1)
return self.count
def mergeSort(self, arr: List[int], left: int, right: int):
if left < right:
mid = left + ((right - left) >> 1)
self.mergeSort(arr, left, mid)
self.mergeSort(arr, mid + 1, right)
self.merge(arr, left, mid, right)
# 归并
def merge(self, arr: List[int], left: int, mid: int, right: int):
# 第一步,定义一个新的临时数组
temparr = [0] * (right - left + 1)
temp1 = left
temp2 = mid + 1
index = 0
# 对应第二步,比较每个指针指向的值,小的存入大集合
while temp1 <= mid and temp2 <= right:
if arr[temp1] <= arr[temp2]:
temparr[index] = arr[temp1]
index += 1
temp1 += 1
self.count += (mid - temp1 + 1)
temparr[index] = arr[temp2]
index += 1
temp2 += 1
# 对应第三步,将某一集合的剩余元素存到大集合中
if temp1 <= mid:
temparr[index: index + mid - temp1 + 1] = arr[temp1: temp1 + mid - temp1 + 1]
if temp2 <= right:
temparr[index: index + right - temp2 + 1] = arr[temp2: temp2 + right - temp2 + 1]
# 将大集合的元素复制回原数组
arr[left: left + right- left + 1] = temparr[0: right - left + 1]
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