kind: pipeline type: docker name: default workspace: path: /did steps: - name: build image: maven volumes: - name: m2_cache # The Volume's name path: /root/.m2 # The path in the container commands: - mvn clean install -DskipTests -e -U - cp ./did-server/target/did-server*.jar ./docker - echo -n "$(date -d @${DRONE_BUILD_CREATED} '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')_${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}, $(grep '.*' pom.xml | head -1 | awk -F '[>,<]' '{print $3}'), latest" > .tags - name: docker image: plugins/docker settings: repo: dockerfile: ./docker/Dockerfile registry: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password build_args: - SERVER_NAME=did-server # - name: deploy # image: appleboy/drone-ssh # settings: # host: # username: xxx # password: # from_secret: ssh_password # port: 22 # script: # - docker swarm init # - docker service create --replicas 2 -p 4000:4000 --name blog ehlxr/blog:$(date -d @${DRONE_BUILD_CREATED} "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")_${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER} # - docker service update --image ehlxr/blog:$(date -d @${DRONE_BUILD_CREATED} "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")_${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER} blog - name: notification image: lddsb/drone-dingtalk-message settings: token: from_secret: dingtalk_token type: markdown when: status: - failure - success volumes: - name: m2_cache # The name use in this pipeline, host: path: /m2_cache # The path be used in the host.