package main import ( "fmt" "" "" "io/ioutil" "log" "math/rand" "os" "path" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) const ( Version = 1 PreError = "ERROR:" PreWarn = "Warn:" ) var ( projectFolder = "." filegirlYamlName = "filegirl.yaml" cfg *FileGirl watcher *fsnotify.Watcher taskMan *TaskMan ioeventMapStr = map[fsnotify.Op]string{ fsnotify.Write: "write", fsnotify.Rename: "rename", fsnotify.Remove: "remove", fsnotify.Create: "create", fsnotify.Chmod: "chmod", } ) type changedFile struct { Name string Changed int64 Ext string Event string } func parseConfig() { cfg = new(FileGirl) fc, err := ioutil.ReadFile(getFileGirlPath()) if err != nil { log.Println(PreError, "The filegirl.yaml file in", projectFolder, "is not exist! ", err) fmt.Print(firstRunHelp) logAndExit("Fileboy unable to run.") } err = yaml.Unmarshal(fc, cfg) if err != nil { logAndExit(PreError, "Parsed filegirl.yaml failed: ", err) } if cfg.Core.Version > Version { logAndExit(PreError, "Current fileboy support max version : ", Version) } // init map cfg.Monitor.TypesMap = map[string]bool{} cfg.Monitor.IncludeDirsMap = map[string]bool{} cfg.Monitor.ExceptDirsMap = map[string]bool{} cfg.Monitor.IncludeDirsRec = map[string]bool{} // convert to map for _, v := range cfg.Monitor.Types { cfg.Monitor.TypesMap[v] = true } log.Println(cfg) } func eventDispatcher(event fsnotify.Event) { if event.Name == getPidFile() { return } ext := path.Ext(event.Name) if len(cfg.Monitor.Types) > 0 && !keyInMonitorTypesMap(".*", cfg) && !keyInMonitorTypesMap(ext, cfg) { return } op := ioeventMapStr[event.Op] if len(cfg.Monitor.Events) != 0 && !inStrArray(op, cfg.Monitor.Events) { return } log.Println("EVENT", event.Op.String(), ":", event.Name) taskMan.Put(&changedFile{ Name: relativePath(projectFolder, event.Name), Changed: time.Now().UnixNano(), Ext: ext, Event: op, }) } func addWatcher() { log.Println("collecting directory information...") dirsMap := map[string]bool{} for _, dir := range cfg.Monitor.IncludeDirs { darr := dirParse2Array(dir) if len(darr) < 1 || len(darr) > 2 { logAndExit(PreError, "filegirl section monitor dirs is error. ", dir) } if strings.HasPrefix(darr[0], "/") { logAndExit(PreError, "dirs must be relative paths ! err path:", dir) } if darr[0] == "." { if len(darr) == 2 && darr[1] == "*" { // The highest priority dirsMap = map[string]bool{ projectFolder: true, } listFile(projectFolder, func(d string) { dirsMap[d] = true }) cfg.Monitor.IncludeDirsRec[projectFolder] = true break } else { dirsMap[projectFolder] = true } } else { md := projectFolder + "/" + darr[0] dirsMap[md] = true if len(darr) == 2 && darr[1] == "*" { listFile(md, func(d string) { dirsMap[d] = true }) cfg.Monitor.IncludeDirsRec[md] = true } } } for _, dir := range cfg.Monitor.ExceptDirs { if dir == "." { logAndExit(PreError, "exceptDirs must is not project root path ! err path:", dir) } p := projectFolder + "/" + dir delete(dirsMap, p) listFile(p, func(d string) { delete(dirsMap, d) }) } for dir := range dirsMap { log.Println("watcher add -> ", dir) err := watcher.Add(dir) if err != nil { logAndExit(PreError, err) } } log.Println("total monitored dirs: " + strconv.Itoa(len(dirsMap))) log.Println("fileboy is ready.") cfg.Monitor.DirsMap = dirsMap } func initWatcher() { var err error if watcher != nil { _ = watcher.Close() } watcher, err = fsnotify.NewWatcher() if err != nil { logAndExit(err) } taskMan = newTaskMan(cfg.Command.DelayMillSecond, cfg.Notifier.CallUrl) go func() { for { select { case event, ok := <-watcher.Events: if !ok { return } // directory structure changes, dynamically add, delete and monitor according to rules // TODO // this method cannot be triggered when the parent folder of the change folder is not monitored go watchChangeHandler(event) eventDispatcher(event) case err, ok := <-watcher.Errors: if !ok { return } log.Println(PreError, err) } } }() addWatcher() } func watchChangeHandler(event fsnotify.Event) { if event.Op != fsnotify.Create && event.Op != fsnotify.Rename { return } _, err := ioutil.ReadDir(event.Name) if err != nil { return } do := false for rec := range cfg.Monitor.IncludeDirsRec { if !strings.HasPrefix(event.Name, rec) { continue } // check exceptDirs has := false for _, v := range cfg.Monitor.ExceptDirs { if strings.HasPrefix(event.Name, projectFolder+"/"+v) { has = true } } if has { continue } _ = watcher.Remove(event.Name) err := watcher.Add(event.Name) if err == nil { do = true log.Println("watcher add -> ", event.Name) } else { log.Println(PreWarn, "watcher add faild:", event.Name, err) } } if do { return } // check map if _, ok := cfg.Monitor.DirsMap[event.Name]; ok { _ = watcher.Remove(event.Name) err := watcher.Add(event.Name) if err == nil { log.Println("watcher add -> ", event.Name) } else { log.Println(PreWarn, "watcher add faild:", event.Name, err) } } } func parseArgs() { switch { case len(os.Args) == 1: parseConfig() done := make(chan bool) initWatcher() defer watcher.Close() <-done return case len(os.Args) > 1: c := os.Args[1] switch c { case "deamon": pid, err := runAsDeamon() if err != nil { logAndExit(PreError, err) } log.Println("PID:", pid) log.Println("fileboy is ready. the main process will run as a daemons") return case "stop": err := stopDeamon() if err != nil { logAndExit(PreError, err) } log.Println("fileboy daemon is stoped.") return case "init": _, err := ioutil.ReadFile(getFileGirlPath()) if err == nil { log.Println(PreError, "Profile filegirl.yaml already exists.") logAndExit("If you want to regenerate filegirl.yaml, delete it first") } err = ioutil.WriteFile(getFileGirlPath(), []byte(exampleFileGirl), 0644) if err != nil { log.Println(PreError, "Profile filegirl.yaml create failed! ", err) return } log.Println("Profile filegirl.yaml created ok") return case "exec": parseConfig() newTaskMan(0, cfg.Notifier.CallUrl).run(new(changedFile)) return case "version", "v", "-v", "--version": fmt.Println(versionDesc) default: fmt.Print(helpStr) } return default: logAndExit("Unknown parameters, use `fileboy help` show help info.") } } func getFileGirlPath() string { return projectFolder + "/" + filegirlYamlName } func show() { fmt.Print(logo) rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) fmt.Println(englishSay[rand.Intn(len(englishSay))]) fmt.Println("") fmt.Println(statement) } func main() { log.SetPrefix("[FileBoy]: ") log.SetFlags(2) log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) show() var err error projectFolder, err = os.Getwd() if err != nil { logAndExit(err) } parseArgs() }