`jwt` command-line tool ======================= This is a simple tool to sign, verify and show JSON Web Tokens from the command line. ```shell # The following will create and sign a token $ echo {\"foo\":\"bar\"} | ./jwt -key key/jwtRS256.key -alg RS256 -sign - # then verify it and output the original claims: $ echo {\"foo\":\"bar\"} | ./jwt -key key/jwtRS256.key -alg RS256 -sign - | ./jwt -key key/jwtRS256.key.pub -alg RS256 -verify - # To simply display a token, use: $ echo {\"foo\":\"bar\"} | ./jwt -key key/jwtRS256.key -alg RS256 -sign - | ./jwt -show - ``` > generate rsa256 key ```shell # generate key $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f jwtRS256.key $ openssl rsa -in jwtRS256.key -pubout -outform PEM -out jwtRS256.key.pub ```