ch7-6: fmt code

chai2010 2016-01-12 10:04:57 +08:00
parent ec31016c6d
commit d7c078a7f2
1 changed files with 73 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -4,23 +4,28 @@
package sort
type Interface interface {
Len() int
Less(i, j int) bool // i, j are indices of sequence elements
Swap(i, j int)
Len() int
Less(i, j int) bool // i, j are indices of sequence elements
Swap(i, j int)
type StringSlice []string
func (p StringSlice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p StringSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
func (p StringSlice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
@ -33,56 +38,65 @@ sort.Sort(StringSlice(names))
下面的變量tracks包好了一個播放列表。One of the authors apologizes for the other authors musical tastes.每個元素都不是Track本身而是指向它的指針。盡管我們在下面的代碼中直接存儲Tracks也可以工作sort函數會交換很多對元素所以如果每個元素都是指針會更快而不是全部Track類型指針是一個機器字碼長度而Track類型可能是八個或更多。
type Track struct {
Title string
Artist string
Album string
Year int
Length time.Duration
Title string
Artist string
Album string
Year int
Length time.Duration
var tracks = []*Track{
{"Go", "Delilah", "From the Roots Up", 2012, length("3m38s")},
{"Go", "Moby", "Moby", 1992, length("3m37s")},
{"Go Ahead", "Alicia Keys", "As I Am", 2007, length("4m36s")},
{"Ready 2 Go", "Martin Solveig", "Smash", 2011, length("4m24s")},
{"Go", "Delilah", "From the Roots Up", 2012, length("3m38s")},
{"Go", "Moby", "Moby", 1992, length("3m37s")},
{"Go Ahead", "Alicia Keys", "As I Am", 2007, length("4m36s")},
{"Ready 2 Go", "Martin Solveig", "Smash", 2011, length("4m24s")},
func length(s string) time.Duration {
d, err := time.ParseDuration(s)
if err != nil {
return d
d, err := time.ParseDuration(s)
if err != nil {
return d
func printTracks(tracks []*Track) {
const format = "%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t\n"
tw := new(tabwriter.Writer).Init(os.Stdout, 0, 8, 2, ' ', 0)
fmt.Fprintf(tw, format, "Title", "Artist", "Album", "Year", "Length")
fmt.Fprintf(tw, format, "-----", "------", "-----", "----", "------")
for _, t := range tracks {
fmt.Fprintf(tw, format, t.Title, t.Artist, t.Album, t.Year, t.Length)
tw.Flush() // calculate column widths and print table
const format = "%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t\n"
tw := new(tabwriter.Writer).Init(os.Stdout, 0, 8, 2, ' ', 0)
fmt.Fprintf(tw, format, "Title", "Artist", "Album", "Year", "Length")
fmt.Fprintf(tw, format, "-----", "------", "-----", "----", "------")
for _, t := range tracks {
fmt.Fprintf(tw, format, t.Title, t.Artist, t.Album, t.Year, t.Length)
tw.Flush() // calculate column widths and print table
type byArtist []*Track
func (x byArtist) Len() int { return len(x) }
func (x byArtist) Less(i, j int) bool { return x[i].Artist < x[j].Artist }
func (x byArtist) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
Title Artist Album Year Length
----- ------ ----- ---- ------
@ -91,11 +105,15 @@ Go Delilah From the Roots Up 2012 3m38s
Ready 2 Go Martin Solveig Smash 2011 4m24s
Go Moby Moby 1992 3m37s
Title Artist Album Year Length
----- ------ ----- ---- ------
@ -104,7 +122,9 @@ Ready 2 Go Martin Solveig Smash 2011 4m24s
Go Delilah From the Roots Up 2012 3m38s
Go Ahead Alicia Keys As I Am 2007 4m36s
package sort
@ -114,16 +134,20 @@ func (r reverse) Less(i, j int) bool { return r.Interface.Less(j, i) }
func Reverse(data Interface) Interface { return reverse{data} }
type byYear []*Track
func (x byYear) Len() int { return len(x) }
func (x byYear) Less(i, j int) bool { return x[i].Year < x[j].Year }
func (x byYear) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
Title Artist Album Year Length
----- ------ ----- ---- ------
@ -132,33 +156,39 @@ Go Ahead Alicia Keys As I Am 2007 4m36s
Ready 2 Go Martin Solveig Smash 2011 4m24s
Go Delilah From the Roots Up 2012 3m38s
type customSort struct {
t []*Track
less func(x, y *Track) bool
t []*Track
less func(x, y *Track) bool
func (x customSort) Len() int
func (x customSort) Less(i, j int) bool { return x.less(x.t[i], x.t[j]) }
func (x customSort) Swap(i, j int) { x.t[i], x.t[j] = x.t[j], x.t[i] }
func (x customSort) Swap(i, j int) { x.t[i], x.t[j] = x.t[j], x.t[i] }
sort.Sort(customSort{tracks, func(x, y *Track) bool {
if x.Title != y.Title {
return x.Title < y.Title
if x.Year != y.Year {
return x.Year < y.Year
if x.Length != y.Length {
return x.Length < y.Length
return false
if x.Title != y.Title {
return x.Title < y.Title
if x.Year != y.Year {
return x.Year < y.Year
if x.Length != y.Length {
return x.Length < y.Length
return false
Title Artist Album Year Length
----- ------ ----- ---- ------
@ -167,7 +197,9 @@ Go Delilah From the Roots Up 2012 3m38s
Go Ahead Alicia Keys As I Am 2007 4m36s
Ready 2 Go Martin Solveig Smash 2011 4m24s
盡管對長度爲n的序列排序需要 O(n log n)次比較操作檢査一個序列是否已經有序至少需要n1次比較。sort包中的IsSorted函數幫我們做這樣的檢査。像sort.Sort一樣它也使用sort.Interface對這個序列和它的排序函數進行抽象但是它從不會調用Swap方法這段代碼示范了IntsAreSorted和Ints函數和IntSlice類型的使用
values := []int{3, 1, 4, 1}
fmt.Println(sort.IntsAreSorted(values)) // "false"
@ -180,8 +212,8 @@ fmt.Println(sort.IntsAreSorted(values)) // "false"
**練習 7.8** 很多圖形界面提供了一個有狀態的多重排序表格插件主要的排序鍵是最近一次點擊過列頭的列第二個排序鍵是第二最近點擊過列頭的列等等。定義一個sort.Interface的實現用在這樣的表格中。比較這個實現方式和重複使用sort.Stable來排序的方式。
練習7.9使用html/template包 (§4.6) 替代printTracks將tracks展示成一個HTML表格。將這個解決方案用在前一個練習中讓每次點擊一個列的頭部産生一個HTTP請求來排序這個表格。
**練習 7.9** 使用html/template包 (§4.6) 替代printTracks將tracks展示成一個HTML表格。將這個解決方案用在前一個練習中讓每次點擊一個列的頭部産生一個HTTP請求來排序這個表格。
練習7.10sort.Interface類型也可以適用在其它地方。編寫一個IsPalindrome(s sort.Interface) bool函數表明序列s是否是迴文序列換句話説反向排序不會改變這個序列。假設如果!s.Less(i, j) && !s.Less(j, i)則索引i和j上的元素相等。
**練習 7.10** sort.Interface類型也可以適用在其它地方。編寫一個IsPalindrome(s sort.Interface) bool函數表明序列s是否是迴文序列換句話説反向排序不會改變這個序列。假設如果!s.Less(i, j) && !s.Less(j, i)則索引i和j上的元素相等。