require([ "gitbook", "lodash" ], function(gitbook, _) { var index = null; var $searchInput, $searchForm; // Use a specific index function loadIndex(data) { index = lunr.Index.load(data); } // Fetch the search index function fetchIndex() { $.getJSON(gitbook.state.basePath+"/search_index.json") .then(loadIndex); } // Search for a term and return results function search(q) { if (!index) return; var results = _.chain( .map(function(result) { var parts = result.ref.split("#") return { path: parts[0], hash: parts[1] } }) .value(); return results; } // Create search form function createForm(value) { if ($searchForm) $searchForm.remove(); $searchForm = $('
', { 'class': 'book-search', 'role': 'search' }); $searchInput = $('', { 'type': 'text', 'class': 'form-control', 'val': value, 'placeholder': 'Type to search' }); $searchInput.appendTo($searchForm); $searchForm.prependTo(gitbook.state.$book.find('.book-summary')); } // Return true if search is open function isSearchOpen() { return gitbook.state.$book.hasClass("with-search"); } // Toggle the search function toggleSearch(_state) { if (isSearchOpen() === _state) return; gitbook.state.$book.toggleClass("with-search", _state); // If search bar is open: focus input if (isSearchOpen()) { gitbook.sidebar.toggle(true); $searchInput.focus(); } else { $searchInput.blur(); $searchInput.val(""); gitbook.sidebar.filter(null); } } // Recover current search when page changed function recoverSearch() { var keyword ="keyword", ""); createForm(keyword); if (keyword.length > 0) { if(!isSearchOpen()) { toggleSearch(); } gitbook.sidebar.filter(_.pluck(search(keyword), "path")); } };"start", function(config) { // Pre-fetch search index and create the form fetchIndex(); createForm(); // Type in search bar $(document).on("keyup", ".book-search input", function(e) { var key = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); var q = $(this).val(); if (key == 27) { e.preventDefault(); toggleSearch(false); return; } if (q.length == 0) { gitbook.sidebar.filter(null);"keyword"); } else { var results = search(q); gitbook.sidebar.filter( _.pluck(results, "path") );"keyword", q); } }); // Create the toggle search button gitbook.toolbar.createButton({ icon: 'fa fa-search', label: 'Search', position: 'left', onClick: toggleSearch }); // Bind keyboard to toggle search gitbook.keyboard.bind(['f'], toggleSearch) });"page.change", recoverSearch); });