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### 11.2.3. 白盒測試
一種測試分類的方法是基於測試者是否需要了解被測試對象的內部工作原理。黑盒測試隻需要測試包公開的文檔和API行爲,內部實現對測試代碼是透明的。相反,白盒測試有訪問包內部函數和數據結構的權限,因此可以做到一下普通客戶端無法實現的測試。例如,一個白盒測試可以在每個操作之後檢測不變量的數據類型。(白盒測試隻是一個傳統的名稱,其實稱爲clear box測試會更準確。)
package storage
import (
func bytesInUse(username string) int64 { return 0 /* ... */ }
// Email sender configuration.
// NOTE: never put passwords in source code!
const sender = "notifications@example.com"
const password = "correcthorsebatterystaple"
const hostname = "smtp.example.com"
const template = `Warning: you are using %d bytes of storage,
%d%% of your quota.`
func CheckQuota(username string) {
used := bytesInUse(username)
const quota = 1000000000 // 1GB
percent := 100 * used / quota
if percent < 90 {
return // OK
msg := fmt.Sprintf(template, used, percent)
auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", sender, password, hostname)
err := smtp.SendMail(hostname+":587", auth, sender,
[]string{username}, []byte(msg))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("smtp.SendMail(%s) failed: %s", username, err)
var notifyUser = func(username, msg string) {
auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", sender, password, hostname)
err := smtp.SendMail(hostname+":587", auth, sender,
[]string{username}, []byte(msg))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("smtp.SendEmail(%s) failed: %s", username, err)
func CheckQuota(username string) {
used := bytesInUse(username)
const quota = 1000000000 // 1GB
percent := 100 * used / quota
if percent < 90 {
return // OK
msg := fmt.Sprintf(template, used, percent)
notifyUser(username, msg)
package storage
import (
func TestCheckQuotaNotifiesUser(t *testing.T) {
var notifiedUser, notifiedMsg string
notifyUser = func(user, msg string) {
notifiedUser, notifiedMsg = user, msg
// ...simulate a 980MB-used condition...
const user = "joe@example.org"
if notifiedUser == "" && notifiedMsg == "" {
t.Fatalf("notifyUser not called")
if notifiedUser != user {
t.Errorf("wrong user (%s) notified, want %s",
notifiedUser, user)
const wantSubstring = "98% of your quota"
if !strings.Contains(notifiedMsg, wantSubstring) {
t.Errorf("unexpected notification message <<%s>>, "+
"want substring %q", notifiedMsg, wantSubstring)
這里有一個問題:當測試函數返迴後,CheckQuota將不能正常工作,因爲notifyUsers依然使用的是測試函數的僞發送郵件函數(當更新全局對象的時候總會有這種風險)。 我們必須脩改測試代碼恢複notifyUsers原先的狀態以便後續其他的測試沒有影響,要確保所有的執行路徑後都能恢複,包括測試失敗或panic異常的情形。在這種情況下,我們建議使用defer語句來延後執行處理恢複的代碼。
func TestCheckQuotaNotifiesUser(t *testing.T) {
// Save and restore original notifyUser.
saved := notifyUser
defer func() { notifyUser = saved }()
// Install the test's fake notifyUser.
var notifiedUser, notifiedMsg string
notifyUser = func(user, msg string) {
notifiedUser, notifiedMsg = user, msg
// ...rest of test...
以這種方式使用全局變量是安全的,因爲go test命令併不會同時併發地執行多個測試。