BUILD_VERSION := $(shell cat version) BUILD_TIME := $(shell date "+%F %T") COMMIT_SHA1 := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) ROOT_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) DIST_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/dist/ #VERSION_PATH := $(shell cat `go env GOMOD` | awk '/^module/{print $$2}')/ VERSION_PATH := main LD_APP_NAMW := -X '$(VERSION_PATH).AppName=$(shell basename `pwd`)' LD_GIT_COMMIT := -X '$(VERSION_PATH).GitCommit=$(COMMIT_SHA1)' LD_BUILD_TIME := -X '$(VERSION_PATH).BuildTime=$(BUILD_TIME)' LD_GO_VERSION := -X '$(VERSION_PATH).GoVersion=`go version`' LD_VERSION := -X '$(VERSION_PATH).Version=$(BUILD_VERSION)' LD_FLAGS := "$(LD_APP_NAMW) $(LD_GIT_COMMIT) $(LD_BUILD_TIME) $(LD_GO_VERSION) $(LD_VERSION) -w -s" RELEASE_VERSION = $(version) REGISTRY_URL = $(url) ifeq ("$(RELEASE_VERSION)","") RELEASE_VERSION := $(shell echo `date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`) endif .PHONY : build release clean install upx docker-push docker build: ifneq ($(shell type gox >/dev/null 2>&1;echo $$?), 0) @echo "Can't find gox command, will start installation..." cd ~ && go get -v -u && cd $(ROOT_DIR) endif @# $(if $(findstring 0,$(shell type gox >/dev/null 2>&1;echo $$?)),,echo "Can't find gox command, will start installation...";GO111MODULE=off go get -v -u gox -ldflags $(LD_FLAGS) -osarch="darwin/amd64 linux/386 linux/amd64 windows/amd64" \ -output="$(DIST_DIR){{.Dir}}_{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}" docker: build upx ifneq ("$(REGISTRY_URL)","") @echo ========== current docker tag is: $(RELEASE_VERSION) ========== docker build -t $(REGISTRY_URL)/monitor_server:$(RELEASE_VERSION) -f Dockerfile . else @echo "url arg should not be empty" endif docker-push: docker docker push $(REGISTRY_URL)/monitor_server:$(RELEASE_VERSION) clean: rm -rf $(DIST_DIR)* install: go install -ldflags $(LD_FLAGS) # 如果一个规则是以 .IGNORE 作为目标的,那么这个规则中所有命令都将会忽略错误 .IGNORE: upx # 压缩。需要安装 upx: @# 在命令前面加上 "-",表示不管该命令出不出错,后面的命令都将继续执行下去 @# -upx $(DIST_DIR)** upx $(DIST_DIR)** release: build upx ifneq ($(shell type ghr >/dev/null 2>&1;echo $$?), 0) @echo "Can't find ghr command, will start installation..." cd ~ && go get -v -u && cd $(ROOT_DIR) endif @# $(if $(findstring 0,$(shell type ghr >/dev/null 2>&1;echo $$?)),,echo "Can't find ghr command, will start installation...";GO111MODULE=off go get -v -u ghr -u ehlxr -t $(GITHUB_RELEASE_TOKEN) -replace -delete --debug ${BUILD_VERSION} $(DIST_DIR) # this tells 'make' to export all variables to child processes by default. .EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES: GO111MODULE = on GOPROXY =,direct GOSUMDB =