update at 2020-06-21 19:00:26 by ehlxr

ehlxr 2020-06-21 19:00:26 +08:00
parent 939f409503
commit 26ab99279a
5 changed files with 98 additions and 72 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -1,58 +1,6 @@
# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
name = "hello_macro"
version = "0.1.0"
name = "hello_macro_derive"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"quote 0.6.13 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
"syn 0.14.9 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
name = "proc-macro2"
version = "0.4.30"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
dependencies = [
"unicode-xid 0.1.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
name = "quote"
version = "0.6.13"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
name = "rust_study"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"hello_macro 0.1.0",
"hello_macro_derive 0.1.0",
name = "syn"
version = "0.14.9"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
"quote 0.6.13 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
"unicode-xid 0.1.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
name = "unicode-xid"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
"checksum proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)" = "cf3d2011ab5c909338f7887f4fc896d35932e29146c12c8d01da6b22a80ba759"
"checksum quote 0.6.13 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)" = "6ce23b6b870e8f94f81fb0a363d65d86675884b34a09043c81e5562f11c1f8e1"
"checksum syn 0.14.9 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)" = "261ae9ecaa397c42b960649561949d69311f08eeaea86a65696e6e46517cf741"
"checksum unicode-xid 0.1.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)" = "fc72304796d0818e357ead4e000d19c9c174ab23dc11093ac919054d20a6a7fc"

View File

@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ authors = ["ehlxr <ehlxr.me@gmail.com>"]
edition = "2018"
hello_macro = { path = "../hello_macro" }
hello_macro_derive = { path = "../hello_macro/hello_macro_derive" }
# hello_macro = { path = "../hello_macro" }
# hello_macro_derive = { path = "../hello_macro/hello_macro_derive" }

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

hello2.txt Normal file
View File

View File

@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ fn main() {
} // -> 离开作用域此时Rc<branch> 的强引用strong_count为 0但是 Weak<branch> 弱引用数weak_count仍然为 1引用 Weak<branch> 的 Rc<leaf> 仍然存在),
// weak_count 无需计数为 0 就能使 Rc<branch> 实例被清理。
// weak_count 无需计数为 0 就能使 Rc<branch> 实例被清理。
"leaf strong = {}, weak = {}, parent = {:?}",
@ -917,13 +917,13 @@ fn main() {
// ---------------------------
use hello_macro::HelloMacro;
use hello_macro_derive::HelloMacro;
// use hello_macro::HelloMacro;
// use hello_macro_derive::HelloMacro;
struct Pancakes;
// #[derive(HelloMacro)]
// struct Pancakes;
// Pancakes::hello_macro();
let user1 = User {
username: String::from("hllo"),
@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ fn main() {
let s1 = String::from("Hello, ");
let s2 = String::from("World!");
let s3 = s1 + &s2; // 注意 s1 被移动了,不能继续使用
// println!("{} {} {}", s1, s3, s2);
// println!("{} {} {}", s1, s3, s2);
println!("{} {}", s3, s2);
let hello = "测试中文字符串";
@ -962,7 +962,86 @@ fn main() {
// let s = hello[1]; // Rust 的字符串不支持索引
// let s = &hello[0..4]; // thread 'main' panicked at 'byte index 4 is not a char boundary; it is inside '试' (bytes 3..6) of `测试中文字符串`', src/libcore/str/mod.rs:2219:5
print!("{}", &hello[0..3]);
println!("{}", &hello[0..3]);
let mut scores = HashMap::new();
scores.insert(String::from("Blue"), 10);
scores.insert(String::from("Yellow"), 50);
println!("{:?}", scores);
for (k, v) in &scores {
println!("k {}, v {}", k, v);
// 只在键没有对应值时插入
// Entry 的 or_insert 方法在键对应的值存在时就返回这个值的 Entry
// 如果不存在则将参数作为新值插入并返回修改过的 Entry
let x3 = scores.entry("Blue".to_string()).or_insert(60);
println!("{}", x3);
let x2 = scores.entry("Red".to_string()).or_insert(55);
println!("{}", x2);
println!("{:?}", scores);
let nms = vec![String::from("Blue"), String::from("Yellow")];
let scs = vec![10, 50];
let scores: HashMap<_, _> = nms.iter().zip(scs.iter()).collect();
println!("{:?}", scores);
let field_name = String::from("hello");
let field_value = 456;
let mut map1 = HashMap::new();
map1.insert(field_name, field_value);
// borrow of moved value: `field_name`
// println!("{} {} {:?}", field_name, field_value, map1);
println!("{} {:?}", field_value, map1);
let k = &String::from("hello");
let v = String::from("world");
let mut map1 = HashMap::new();
map1.insert(k, v);
// borrow of moved value: `v`
// println!("{} {} {:?}", k, v, map1);
println!("{} {:?}", *k, map1);
let option = map1.get(k);
println!("{}", option.unwrap());
let text = "hello world wonderful world";
let mut map = HashMap::new();
for tex in text.split_whitespace() {
let counts = map.entry(tex).or_insert(0);
*counts += 1;
println!("{:?}", map);
let fnames = "hello2.txt";
let result = File::open(fnames);
let file = match result {
Ok(f) => f,
// Err(e) => {
// println!("Problem opening the file: {:?}", e);
// File::create(fnames).unwrap()
// }
Err(e) => match e.kind() {
ErrorKind::NotFound => {
match File::create(fnames) {
Ok(f) => f,
Err(e) => panic!("Problem creating the file: {:?}", e),
oe => panic!("Problem opening the file: {:?}", oe),
println!("{:?}", file);
println!("----------------match 匹配 枚举------------------");
let m = Message::Quit;
match m {
Message::Write(s) => println!("{}", s),
abc => println!("{:?}", abc),
fn test_tuple(t: (i32, &str)) {
@ -1268,9 +1347,9 @@ impl ToString for Tweet {
fn notify<T, U>(t: &T, u: &U) -> String
T: Summary + ToString,
U: Summary,
T: Summary + ToString,
U: Summary,
format!("{}, {}", u.summarize(), t.to_string())
@ -1338,18 +1417,18 @@ fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str {
struct Cacher<T, D, F>
T: Fn(&D) -> F,
T: Fn(&D) -> F,
calculation: T,
value: HashMap<D, F>,
impl<T, D, F> Cacher<T, D, F>
D: Hash + Eq,
F: Copy,
T: Fn(&D) -> F,
D: Hash + Eq,
F: Copy,
T: Fn(&D) -> F,
fn new(calculation: T) -> Cacher<T, D, F> {
Self {